Monday, December 06, 2004


  • My freedom is gone
  • all dreams i have r injected
  • the filth, greed makes me puke
  • this insanity is where i live in
  1. the angle weeping through black, mascarred eyes
  2. leaving streaks of sorrow on her face
  3. whirlpool of emotions, twirling in her heart
  4. leaving her helpless, only to cry
  • misery's come to take me away,
  • away from the path i once chose, not anymore
  • the desperation gnawing at my entrails
  • insanity, my love, my home in paradise
  1. when the hyena howls, a smile creeps across my face
  2. sarcasm overrules fear, i have won after all
  3. finally plunging into the mirth
  4. insanity, my love, am coming to dwell in you.